Asphalt Overlay
Asphalt Overlay
Asphalt Overlay Steps
Before applying an asphalt overlay in Broward County, we ensure to assess all the necessary aspects properly. Some of the major asphalt overlay steps taken by us include the following:
Asphalt Assessment
All surfaces are not suitable for asphalt overlay. If any surface has lots of damage like ruts, root damage or large potholes, it needs to be ripped up. Additionally, it is also important to assess whether the asphalt surfaces are capable of handling enough draining water or not. The surface should handle enough water to make asphalt overlay effective.
Asphalt Milling
An asphalt milling machine is used to remove the damaged asphalt surface so that new asphalt is applied on it properly. We have quality asphalt milling machines to do the process and remove the damaged top and old layers completely.
Base Repair
There may be a possibility to replace the damaged areas in an asphalt surface where sinking, rutting or potholes are available. To ensure that such a problem doesn’t come in future, the base it rebuilt using aggregate and asphalt.
Pave Surface
After building the asphalt surface, our professionals pave the top surface with an asphalt overlay. The quantity of asphalt overlay applied to the surface varies as per the thickness of the exciting surface.